Fire Damage Restoration Melbourne Experts

Fire and smoke damage to your home or business is an unfortunate event that will require skilled fire damage restoration technicians to access the extent of the damage in order to put in place a considered plan on the best way to restore your damaged property to its pre-loss condition.

Common Mistakes in DIY Fire Damage Restoration Attempts

At Capital we have dealt with all sorts of fire and smoke damage issues and one of the most common problems we face is the after effect of DIY restoration using wet cloths to clean soot from fire and smoke damaged walls and ceilings. The soot is simply spread, and a huge mess is created.

Fire Damage Restoration Melbourne

Soot on walls and ceilings should be cleaned with special dry sponges that absorb the soot and prevent the spread and further damage. If you engage a professional fire damage restoration company, like Capital, they will know what to do.

Some people even attempt to paint over the soot, another big mistake, as the soot damage will prevent the paint from properly adhering to the damaged surface and will result in future blistering and peeling. You may also have issue with the painting process as soot stains your paint colour and the paint does not apply as you would expect.

Melbourne Fire Damage Restoration

Others, think they can get rid of the fire damage smell by opening windows and spraying room deodorants, only to find that the smell lingers and never seems to go away. Special fogging techniques are used by fire damage restoration companies, like Capital, to remove the odour that lingers from fire damage.

Another error made by home and business owners is that they are not aware that smoke and fire damage has probably travelled into their roof cavity and damaged insulation and other structures. Depending on the type of fire damage experienced, it is important that the roof cavity is checked. In many situations, it is also important that duct work for heating/cooling is inspected to ensure any primary or secondary damage is addressed.

The Scary Fire Damage and Water Damage Combination

Often, fire damage and water damage come as part and parcel, as water is used to distinguish fires. A disaster restoration company, like Capital, has the tools, and experience to address the water damage issues that result from fire damage and can provide you with a wholistic approach to deal with all damages on hand.

So, make sure to engage a Fire Damage Restoration company that knows how to deal with both fire and water damage in Melbourne. Feel free to call Capital for advice on how to manage fire, smoke, and soot damage to your property, as well as any secondary water damage.

Professional Fire Damage Restoration Melbourne

Capital has fire damage restoration experience in both the residential and commercial sectors in Melbourne and can inspect your fire damage and advise you of the best way to move forward.

To discuss your specific fire damage restoration requirements and to organise for an inspection of your property call Capital on 1800 554 418. Capital has IICRC certification in Fire Damage Restoration and has the experience to address all type of fire damage restoration in Melbourne. Capital also has industry certification through the IICRC for Water Damage Restoration.